Saturday, March 13, 2010

Should several policy problems be related to the “population crisis” that Hardin mentioned?


We read Hardin’s two articles on the tragedy of the commons, and he consistently argues that economic crisis should be considered in terms of population crisis – different reproduction rates between poor and rich countries. So the world politico-economic system should try to maintain a balance for minimizing the impact of population crisis and Hardin takes a closed (or restricted)-door immigration policy stance. Regarding some counter-arguments on his stances on global commons, which focus on the importance of technological development, Hardin also takes a defense that every technological solution requires considerable costs. It is a very interesting thought regarding world order, power relationships between countries, and ways for economic stability and development for poor countries.

What do you think about Hardin’s argument on domestic and global commons? Is it legitimate in today’s economic crisis and some actions of countries for dealing with these problems? Especially, is Hardin’s logic that population crisis plays a key role in deciding economic de-stability true? Here is a short video clip including an interview of Hardin regarding immigration policy. I hope it is helpful for you in increasing your understanding of world commons. Enjoy it.

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